Friday, February 8, 2013


Psssst...excuse me, excuse me... God is tryint to get your attention.

When you feel that all hope is gone...pray!

Keep praying until you get an answer. Let me
know what you're praying about and I will pray with you.

Hello... family of the most high,

You are Welcome here,
Don't let God's adversary trick you, the greatness trick that he has every done is to convince people that he doesn't exist. He comes to steal, kill and destroy. He copies things of God, only he perverts them. He won't show up looking like himself, he will try to make you think he is a friend, someone trying to help you. Be aware of the wolf in sheep clothing. He will mislead many...even the chosen  if it were possible.
King James Version Holy Bible. Mark 13:22
"For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect." 
Prayer means that you are talking to God, our Father in Heaven. God is everywhere all at once. Any false gods can not enter Heaven, therefore we address God in Heaven. So, there is no mistake in who we are talking to. God knows what we want before we ask. If you have a clean conscientious you will not hesitate to talk to God. If you feel guilty about something, it is hard to talk to God. Force yourself to stay in contact with God. Start your prayer something like this, “Father in Heaven, I humbly approach your Heavenly throne, thank you for your grace, your mercy endures forever , thank you for allow in me into your presence. Thank you for strong faith, and I fully except that you always lead me to do what is in your perfect will for me, today in the name of Jesus I conceive those things you have spoken to my heart, thank you for reassuring me. I hear you. and I know you hear me. Thank you for the manifestation of that which you have spoken to my heart. Father bring my dreams to the for front, I will not hide them. Father, thank you for my dreams being manifested, no more procrastination or giving up on them. Thank you Lord Jesus, I will go full term, I will give birth to every thing you have giving me to do. I stand on your word for vision and dreams. Thank you in Jesus name, Amen.”

Don't give up! God's adversary will try to have you aboard your vision. Don't let any thing or any one talk you out of doing what God has said that it is time to do, time to run with the vision... Now it is time to be thankful that you have a high level of faith and that you have been predestined to live a good life.

Daily Affirmations

Say this daily and think of some of your own...
replace my name with yours...

I, Marjorie Janvier belong to God
Today is a wonderful day that the Lord has
made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.
I can do all thing through Christ who strengthens me
Christ is in my heart
I love God
My faith is growing
I live by faith
I am faithful
I study to show myself approved by God
I am blessed with a blessing
My life is a living testimony for God

May you be in the perfect will of God,
walking in abundance and always,

Peace and Joy is yours!

Marjorie Janvier
One can chase a thousand...

I told you I would spiritually hold your hand.
Come on  let's go.

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