Thursday, February 7, 2013

What is God's name? Abraham, Isaac and Jacob this is my name forever... is what it says At Exodus 3:15, Moses was asking God for his name so that he could give it to God's people the Isrealites, who were in bondage in Egypt.

Ingorance is bliss...
Enter at your own risk!
Touch not my anointed and do my prophetess no harm. To bring harm to God's people is like putting your finger in God's eye. You must be careful of how you speak of God's anointed and prophets. I can not stress this enough. Don't be like Lot's wife, please pay attention and heed what I am saying. I have forewarn you!

Hello family of the most high,
I must talk to you about a few subjects they are as follows...God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit; And the armor of God, the fruit of the spirit and the works of the flesh... All these go together. First of all you need to know... God, he is my father and possibly yours. He is every where all at once and he is in Heaven, no false God's are in Heaven. when you pray start with, "Father in Heaven. God created and made everything that exist. Nothing exist with out God, but God doen't need anything or help to exist. If you bake a cake, you will make a mess after you add the frosting your finish. You can clean up the mess.
When God created he also made, he was done in 6 days. To God a day is as a 1000 years and 1000 years is as one day. And on the 7th day he rests... and he rests... and he rests... because he was done... and he is not doing anything now.
Everything God made continues to recreate, it replenishes it self, it is on auto pilot. This is right as rain... Why doesn't the water dry up from all over the world and leave us in a dry land?
Simple, water is alive. It has a gender and makes babies, we call their babies by their name... "rain".
God is so powerful that when he speaks his word creates and can not fail. The very first of God became a living creature. When God spoke Jesus came into existence, but at the time he was not called Jesus. The bible refers to him as the word of God. So in other words, God's word is a language, God's language.
In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. Before the beginning there was no word. But when God decided to created he spoke. So in the beginning of creation... The word was...spoken. And the word that was spoken, was spoken by God.
See, God has no beginning and has no end. So when we hear beginning, it can not refer to God. Jesus is the beginning of creation and Jesus is the completion of creation. When Jesus comes back again... that will be the end of all bad... of the way things are as we know it to be. And there will be a new beginning, a new Heaven and a new earth.
Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
There are ways we should carry ourselves and there are ways we should not. We need to know what they are. If your actions are not very becoming to you, then you should be coming to us! We a the family of the most high, God Almighty. Bad association spoils useful habbits. Keep yourself around Godly people. Just as a Medical student keeps himself around other medical students. If you were an alcoholic and you had no money, you would stay around other alcoholics, eventually you would get a drink...guard your mind. Talk to God and follow his instruction, then you will become the person you long be. You will become a new creature in Christ.
The fruit of the spirit are characteriscs, Godly aspects for your behavior, your actions and reactions. 

Lesson 1: How does God have no beginning?
Simple, before there was anything, there was nothing...Can you think of nothing? OK, nothing has always been and will always be...God is that nothing... hold on to that.
Lesson 2: Is Jesus God? No
Jesus is speaking here... Matthew 24:36 says, “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my father only.” Jesus is God's word made flesh.
The Holy Spirit
Lesson 3: Is the Holy Spirit God? No, but a separate person just as Jesus is separate...
The Holy Spirit... is what moves God... the reason God created is because he felt like it. The Holy Spirit is here with us now. And is the means of communication directly to God. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to Earth to be with us to guide us through the last days. The Holy Spirit is a guide, a comforter and a reminder.
We are made in the image of God. We have a body, that does many things. When you call someone on the phone, the person on the other end answering says, "phone" you say, "Who is it?", " it's your friend" physically your friend is now the phone. Physically, Jesus was the first international phone call.
The armor of God
Lesson 4:
If you are about to get serious about God you better know how to put on the 'armor of God' you're going to need it. You didn't know that God's adversary didn't like you, huh? I'm here to tell you he hates you! And he is running around like a roaring lion trying to devour as many as he can, because he knows that he has a short time.
He came to kill, steal and destroy... to stop you from loving God. The 'armor of God' will keep you safe from wickedness and will make their impact dull. You are in a war zone, if you didn't know... you have weapons provide by God... the bible is your sword, you can not leave your weapon behind, your communications expert is the Holy Spirit, your commanding chief is Jesus.

Since Adam messed up living forever, an agreement has been made between Jesus and God. They have what is called a convenent, it concerns us all. This convenent is an agreement that can not be broken... Jesus has stepped in for us. We pray to God... in Jesus name, he talks to God on our behalf, and he is qualified because he left Heaven and came to Earth to find out what we go one else is qualified to do what Jesus has done and on our behalf. How do you put on the 'armor of God?', it is not a physical thing, it's more like spiritual, Ephesians 6:13 Therefore take unto you the wh-hole armof of God, that you may be able to withstand in teh evil day, and having don all, to stand... You have to do it yourself and don't take it off ever! The armor of God is your behavior. You must exhibit all of the aspects of the armor in order to keep it on at all times, to keep them on display.

The works of the these are the opposite of everything we have been talking about, but they are also actions...actions that you do not want to exhibit. You must be aware of them so that you do not fall into a trap, as this will keep you out of God's kingdom if you continue doing them. I know you are doing something on this list. So study the list to show yourself approved by God. Ask God to help you stop doing what ever you are doing on that list.God is not angry with you...he loves you and he would like you to be in his kingdom. Thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven.
The fruit of the spirit
Lesson 5
Godly characteristics similar to the armor of God that you should exhibit. Love, joy, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, faith and temperance against such there is no law. Live you life doing these things incorporate them in your actions and reactions.
The works of the flesh
Lesson 6
You can see the works of the flesh without any problem. They are adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife sedition’s,heresies, envying, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like. Of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. God loves you and so do I. I hope you are in God's perfect will of God, walking in abundance.
Peace and joy is yours!
Prophetess Marjorie Janvier
One can chase a thousand...

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