Sunday, January 7, 2018

Through His Eye's

Uncontrollable tears fall down my face, when I think about how God repented on destroying the Israelite's, He was disgusted. How wonderful is God? That he created the universe for us and our enjoyment. Mankind has disappointed Him since the beginning of the countdown to the end of the first error. Starting with His son made from the dust and Cain who killed his brother Able. How much does God wish that he had not created man? Disgusted to say the least, especially how is destroying the earth!
Actually, God is not as disgusted as we may all believe. God could smite anyone at any time and could have long ago. God is in every place all the time and all at once. Because God is all knowing, He knew there was a possibility that what has happened could happen when He gave mankind free will, that's why He already had a solution for the problem. Kind of like an insurance policy. God had every and solution in place before he created the world and put us in it.
One day the world will be back to the perfect order that God intended. Imagine how disappointed He is with creation. Everything is far from what God intended. What I am about to say sounds strange, but  I am comforted with knowing that God is a big God and He knows exactly what he is doing. All the horrible things that happen every day since the fall of man is necessary. If everyone could live forever this world would not have an end to wickedness. Soon God will bring all wickedness to an end. Nothing can sway him from his plain, his purpose and promises. Again, I take comfort in him because He is not a man that He should lie. Sometimes, I daydream about how wonderful God is and I wish, I could see people, circumstance, problems and everything that has gone wrong the way God see's it, I wish I could see through his eyes. We all have our view on life and all the bad circumstances and negative things we go through, our circumstances are not what we should look at but the promises. In order to make it through, we can not make too much out of what our life looks like as we are going through it because you can not see the Forrest for the trees. And we must understand how to put ourselves in God's hand and allow him to handle it, no matter what it is. God will take the situation and make it have a positive end. He will close a door only to open a new one. He gave us free will to choose, to say yes.

Ignorance is bliss and it's true. Adam and Eve were naked they were happy until they ate the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. which brings me to the point that God made evil. (the tree of knowledge of good and evil) Then their eyes were opened and they knew they were naked they could see good and evil through his eyes. All of a sudden they felt it was wrong to walk around naked the way God had them. God doesn't go around thinking, "what terrible thing are you going to do today?" Although he knows what you and I are capable of, he waits for the outcome, so that you and I can see exactly who we are and what we are capable of doing. It's all about me and you. We have choices and we may choose to do the right thing. God is giving us all the time available for us to know that we love him with our whole mind, our whole heart, and our whole soul and with all of our strength. God already knows.
After Adam and Eve sinned, God made clothes for them out of animal skins. because they hid from him, God knew... before he asked them, he wanted to give them a chance to
communicate with them. "Who told you, you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of knowledge of good and evil?" They began to pass the blame to someone else. God knew, like when a child does something and it's obvious to you the child is guilty. You get to see what is inside your child and what you need to correct. Most of all the child can understand when they grow up, about the character they had and how their parents clean them up. Once we have children and raise them we try to be like God and teach our children. At that time I wish, I could see people, circumstance, problems and everything through his eyes. there is a fable that touches on this situation. One, in particular, is about a mother and her son. By this time the son is a grown man, facing the death penalty for stealing. The last request of this dying man is to whisper into his mother's ear. When his wish is granted and his mother gets close to him. He bites her ear off.

And tells her she should have corrected him when he was a child, instead, she told him that stealing wasn't so bad and did not correct him. Whatever is going on in our lives God will see us through...just pray and ask for his for forgiveness and help.

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