Sunday, April 29, 2018


Image result for pink flowersThis year open your mind, will, and emotion to the Lord to allow Him to make deposits with you in order to be closer to him, to enhance your love for him. And begin a powerful journey with angels encamped all around you at all times you'll find your biblical benefits. prosperity in every area of your life. Bring your family closer together, get healthy, sleep better, your life will be financially fit,  you will find your life's purpose for Him! God loves you and so do I.
Your answer is a prayer away. 
Prayer is like a phone call... only you talk and He listens...
Jesus is your ransom sacrifice...Will you accept?
You were kidnapped and held for ransom, you were not going to make it home. Jesus paid for  the ransom money in order for you to return to return to the original plan to live forever as a perfect human. God's first son a perfect human, Adam lost all mankind's life. Adam did not have any children before he sinned. The wages of sin is death. Death is a disease that all of Adam's children inherited. Jesus paid his perfect life and he is the only one who could do it. Jesus is God's first perv perfect son created in Heaven. One perfect first son of God lost life for all of mankind and the first perfect son in Heaven restored life for all mankind. Jesus paid for all mankind's life with his life.
A 3 day devotional and a positive effect on you  
Cleansing feeling
Jesus died for our sins, no one else can make that claim. Now it is up to you to accept what He did. Jesus, God's Son will not force it upon you. You can feel better about yourself, you can wash that dirty feeling away that you didn't even know you had or maybe you do notice, in any case, you will notice once it's gone. When you are close to the Lord and resting in His assurance daily, you will stop worrying, you will find completeness that will cause you to be happy with your soul! You will finally get the rest that you have needed for years, but, didn't know it. You will awaken spiritually refreshed with deepened feelings and insight into your life, your family, awaken and connect to a deeper to the world around you.  Your burden will become light and you will feel a cleansed effect.  There is nothing like it!

Prayer is the only way
Imagine looking for answers and nothing works, when you've tried everything you can possibly try, you've got to keep on trying and you keep on trying.  I would like for you to understand you must talk to God. Yes, prayer is the only way, it is the only way to bring you joy, relief, and completeness. Talk to God... pray every day and throughout the day. You don't have to be on your knee's all the time to pray, but it is a humble position. You can pray on the bus, in the supermarket while pushing your grocery basket, or even at the mall shopping with your children. no matter what you are doing you can pray. God hears and He answers. The answers may not always be what you want to hear, but, welcome them because He knows what is best for you. Sometimes the answer is not right now, no or soon. Everyone like the yes answer. When you ask our Father anything ask in faith and wait in faith, what I mean by that is... Continue to believe your help or your answer is on the way. ,God is a rewarder of those who delitgently 

Hebrews 11:1 
11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things, not seen.
King James Version 
Taken from the GatewayBible online

If you ordered a package from Amazon you would start looking for the delivery truck every single day until the package arrives, do the same while you wait in faith. For instance, if you asked for a new car, but, you do not have the means to purchase it. You should go looking for your new car at car lots and talking the sales representatives about how to go about getting a car and explain your situation. -

Know Yourself And Know The Truth
The truth is within and you hold the key
Image result for key

2 Timothy 2:1-3King James Version (KJV)

Thou, therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.
Thou, therefore, endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
Taken from Biblegateway online
Image result for golden phone
Call And I shall answer... there is nothing like it!
Isaiah 65:24 
And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while
they are yet speaking, I will hear. 
King James Version - Taken from The BibleHub online

God loves you and so do I.
May the peace and harmony of the Highest be yours!
Marjorie N. Janvier

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